White Papers

Insights and trends from over 2,600 global service Trailblazers

About This Report

For the second annual “State of Service” report, Salesforce Research surveyed more than 2,600 customer service professionals worldwide to discover:

  • How service leaders are responding to heightened customer demands
  • Which habits are hallmarks of top service teams
  • How smart tech is impacting service protocols In this report, high-performing service teams are the top 14% who rate both their service performance and performance versus competitors as excellent.

See page 3 for further information on performance. Data in this report is from a September 2016 survey that generated responses from 2,636 fulltime service professionals (not limited to Salesforce customers) in the U.S., Canada, U.K./Ireland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Japan, and Australia/New Zealand. Respondents are third-party panelists. Due to rounding, not all percentage totals in this report equal 100%. All comparison calculations are made from total numbers (not rounded numbers).