White Papers

Insights and trends from over 2,900 sales professionals worldwide

For the third edition of the “State of Sales” report, Salesforce Research surveyed over 2,900 global sales professionals and leaders to discover:

  • Which overall trends are changing the role of sales?
  • What challenges do sales teams face in the midst of these changes?
  • What are the current and future roles of new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) as they relate to the sales profession?

Data in this report is from a blind survey conducted from February 12 through March 15, 2018, that generated 2,908 responses from full-time sales professionals in the U.S., Canada, U.K./Ireland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, Australia/New Zealand, Hong Kong, and Singapore. All respondents are third-party panelists (not limited to Salesforce customers). See page 55 for detailed respondent demographics. Due to rounding, not all percentage totals in this report equal 100%. All comparison calculations are made from total numbers (not rounded numbers).